Millions of different thoughts in my mind and here is the place where I not often write it out (Oppps!)

This is just some random person's boring blog and might be update more often than last years!

Cheers! :)

November 18, 2013

Nice try, nice try

No picture for now! Can't really find any picture now lol.(same as girls have lots of cloth to wear but still saying nothing to wear)

Now feel more calm now.
I will always remember this lesson from now on.

This is a very nice lesson.
Still, nice try!
Won't ever did it again!!

I will definitely slim down..
GOALS: 40kg!!

I know it's just too skinny but I don't care!
I will did it before I go back to Malaysia!LOL

Everything is back to normal now. No more want a boyfriend feel!
YIPEEE~ Feel so great now.

No more emotional face~

Today was a long day.
I'm very impressed myself cause yesterday I slept late and I still can manage wake up on time and feel so refresh in the morning class.
But now, meh I'm tired and I still need to study...Gosh I hate it...
Can I just graduated and do nothing? LOL
I know I can't.. I need to feed myself and my family after I graduate from university.
At least I still have target for this...

Now am really hope semester 2 come faster!
I want accounting and finance course  x.x
I don't ever want to study economics anymore!!
Although in accounting still have econs need to study BUT not that much anymore!!

Stupid person did stupid thing like me.
Can't help stop being stupid and idiot..
Why I can't speak nicely with my besties and friends.

Going London on Friday night!
Is a day to forget everything and refresh myself up!

Then study harder than ever!

Class test is coming LOL
Really looking forward~

Need to workout now!
40kg here I come!!

Work hard,
       Play hard.

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